There are Times...

Frustration, exasperation!
There are times when this earth existence grows weary.
No! do not think I forfeit this life.
If you knew me well, then, it is not reality for me to leave.
But weary I do grow at times.

Ah! At times the light I work so hard to build within,
Seems dulled by some insidious fog-
Of anger, frustration or the phase of the moon - whatever!

What I long for myself, and look for in others,
Tends to grate ever so gently.
I know it is not unattainable,
For phase of the moon aside, I reach for it and find just a fragment.

That fragment all but disappears as I try hard to forgive -
Myself of little things that grow to seemingly big ones.
But live it does in some corner of my heart and soul.

So I call for help from whatever direction I can.
Guides, God, inner calm or just me.
Yet help seems far away,
Until I've contained within the raging beast.
Then when all but forgotten help is there.

Once again I look upon the world with a gentler heart.
Realising these times are but tests to strengthen and
Uphold my soul - when all is done.

And when all is done, I rise once more and give tribute to the sun.

Copyright on all poems -J.Waite 1990
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