I have Not Said Goodbye

I have not said goodbye, my dear
but what is goodbye unless well said?
I have not said goodbye
Yet, I feel no dread.

When time to pass has come
And you sit alone amiss
Don’t worry at the loss,
Your brow I still have kiss’d

I have not said goodbye -
But my heart says that is not so.
Because, although you see me not
My love still grows and grows

You feel the faint appall
But I say do not grieve,
I have but changed my form,
My true appearance now achieved

I have not said goodbye-
I see no reason to.
The love I give
Will, always, stay with you.

So now I say look out beyond
The pain and sorrow suffered.
For nought comes of it,
Take care of this, and by the winds of time
No longer be buffered

And now I say hello
My love is still shining
Be at peace my dear
Every cloud has a silver lining

Copyright on all poems -J.Waite 1990
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