The Mark of One Who is Wise

One who is wise knows but does not always say..........

One who is wise accepts that they are on Earth and are human....

One who is wise does not know everything there is to know-but can send you to the right place to find out.....

One who is wise loves........................

One who is wise accepts imperfection.........

One who is wise listens-and hears......

One who is wise can see without looking or prying.........

One who is wise speaks without saying.........

One who is wise bears no grudge..........

One who is wise understands.....

One who is wise knows anger, displeasure, Love and Light........

One who is wise does not accept unkindness....however-

One who is wise does not judge.........

One who is wise stands back to let the rest in first........

One who is wise does not blame........

One who is wise accepts that learning never ends......

One who is wise knows when to ask for help......

One who is wise teaches-if they are asked.......

One who is wise knows all are equal......

One who is wise looks for balance.......

One who is wise accepts balance may be almost but- not quite unattainable.......

One who is wise accepts the highs and lows........

One who is wise understands intelligence and age are not prerequisites of wisdom....

One who is wise loves and lives life.....

One who is wise knows the simple complexity and the complex simplicity- of nothing....

copyright J.Waite 1997

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